1. How can I quickly find parts again?

Work with Favorites.

In the Structure tree, under Favorites, create your own structure as desired, for example, project related, in relation to special groups of parts or grouped according to CAD systems, etc.

You can find the command Add to favorites ... under Catalogs , Classifications , History and Document scan on all directory levels.

If needed, you can directly create directories in the dialog itself. Drag & Drop is also possible for postprocessing.

Create directory

Create directory

Under History, you can find the complete history of all called projects so that you are able to access used parts subsequently. Also here, use the command Add to favorites ... and determine the desired target directory under Favorites.

Furthermore you can find the command Add to favorites ... under CAD-native Parts, meaning for parts imported in PARTsolutions from CAD via Insert .

On Favorites main level, via Export favorites / Import favorites you can exchange your favorites between computers or co-workers.